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Keeping Guests Cool

During the hot summer months, helping your guests to stay cool and comfortable during the night is a must. Before your guests arrive, keep curtains and blinds closed to block out direct sunlight and prevent the room from heating up. Be sure to open them back up again before showing your guests to their rooms. Put fans in guest rooms to circulate air and create a cooling breeze. For an extra cooling effect, set a bowl of ice in front of the fan. Leave a cooling mist or spray on the bedside table for your guests to use during the night. Combined with the fan's breeze, this will help them quickly fall back to sleep. When it's too hot for a quilt, place a thin sheet and blanket, folded nicely, at the foot of the bed. Your guests will appreciate these thoughtful gestures and are more likely to give positive feedback after a good night's sleep. Going above and beyond to keep them cool and comfortable makes their stay memorable. It's the little extras that count.

9 Jul 2024 - Jane Hill, Freeonlinebooking UK team - Link to this hot tip

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