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Using ChatGPT to write amazing marketing content!

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has skyrocketed in recent years. You can use tools like ChatGPT for almost anything - email marketing, social media posts, or even to write content for your website. Remember that AI is there to spark your creativity and motivation. You should edit text, personalise with email tags, and format the content you intend to use to match your property's branding and style. Give it a go! Visit to get started. You can be very specific when you ask ChatGPT to write something for you. So for example you could ask ChatGPT to "Write me a marketing email to previous guests telling them that it's not too late to book their summer holiday because we still have availability. Make it summer themed. Use summer themed emojis where appropriate. Create a special offer and add this in too. I would like the email to be informative without many adjectives."

19 Jun 2024 - Cait Buttery, Freeonlinebooking UK team - Link to this hot tip

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